Reconstructing Point Source Holograms

Holograms are typically reconstructed optically by shining light back through them. This corresponds mathematically to propagating the field stored in the hologram to some different plane. The propagation performed here assumes that the hologram was recorded using a point source (diverging spherical wave) as the light source. This is also known as lens-free holography. Note that this is different than propagation calculations where a collimated light source (plane wave) is used. For recontructions using a plane wave see Reconstructing Data (Numerical Propagation).

This point-source propagation calculation is an implementation of the algorithm that appears in Jericho and Kreuzer 2010. Curently, only square input images and propagation through media with a refractive index of 1 are supported.

Example Reconstruction

import holopy as hp
import numpy as np
from import get_example_data_path
from holopy.propagation import ps_propagate
from scipy.ndimage.measurements import center_of_mass

imagepath = get_example_data_path('ps_image01.jpg')
bgpath = get_example_data_path('ps_bg01.jpg')
L = 0.0407 # distance from light source to screen/camera
cam_spacing = 12e-6 # linear size of camera pixels
mag = 9.0 # magnification
npix_out = 1020 # linear size of output image (pixels)
zstack = np.arange(1.08e-3, 1.18e-3, 0.01e-3) # distances from camera to reconstruct

holo = hp.load_image(imagepath, spacing=cam_spacing, illum_wavelen=406e-9, medium_index=1) # load hologram
bg = hp.load_image(bgpath, spacing=cam_spacing) # load background image
holo = hp.core.process.bg_correct(holo, bg+1, bg) # subtract background (not divide)
beam_c = center_of_mass(bg.values.squeeze()) # get beam center
out_schema = hp.core.detector_grid(shape=npix_out, spacing=cam_spacing/mag) # set output shape

recons = ps_propagate(holo, zstack, L, beam_c, out_schema) # do propagation[:,350:550,450:650])) # display result

(Source code)

We’ll examine each section of code in turn. The first block:

import holopy as hp
import numpy as np
from import get_example_data_path
from holopy.propagation import ps_propagate
from scipy.ndimage.measurements import center_of_mass

loads the relevant modules. The second block:

imagepath = get_example_data_path('ps_image01.jpg')
bgpath = get_example_data_path('ps_bg01.jpg')
L = 0.0407 # distance from light source to screen/camera
cam_spacing = 12e-6 # linear size of camera pixels
mag = 9.0 # magnification
npix_out = 1020 # linear size of output image (pixels)
zstack = np.arange(1.08e-3, 1.18e-3, 0.01e-3) # distances from camera to reconstruct

defines all parameters used for the reconstruction. Numpy’s linspace was used to define a set of distances at 10-micron intervals to propagate our image to. You can also propagate to a single distance or to a set of distances obtained in some other fashion. The third block:

holo = hp.load_image(imagepath, spacing=cam_spacing, illum_wavelen=406e-9, medium_index=1) # load hologram
bg = hp.load_image(bgpath, spacing=cam_spacing) # load background image
holo = hp.core.process.bg_correct(holo, bg+1, bg) # subtract background (not divide)
beam_c = center_of_mass(bg.values.squeeze()) # get beam center
out_schema = hp.core.detector_grid(shape=npix_out, spacing=cam_spacing/mag) # set output shape

reads in a hologram and subtracts the corresponding background image. If this is unfamiliar to you, please review the Loading Data tutorial. The third block also finds the center of the reference beam and sets the size and pixel spacing of the output images.

Finally, the actual propagation is accomplished with ps_propagate() and a cropped region of the result is displayed. See the Reconstructing Data (Numerical Propagation) page for details on visualizing the reconstruction results.

recons = ps_propagate(holo, zstack, L, beam_c, out_schema) # do propagation[:,350:550,450:650])) # display result

Magnification and Output Image Size

Unlike the case where a collimated beam is used as the illumination and the pixel spacing in the reconstruction is the same as in the original hologram, for lens-free reconstructions the pixel spacing in the reconstruction can be chosen arbitrarily. In order to magnify the reconstruction the spacing in the reconstruction plane should be smaller than spacing in the original hologram. In the code above, the magnification of the reconstruction can be set using the variable mag, or when calling ps_propagate() directly the desired pixel spacing in the reconstruction is specified through the spacing of out_schema. Note that the output spacing will not be the spacing of out_schema exactly, but should be within a few percent of it. We recommend calling get_spacing() on recons to get the actual spacing used.

Note that the total physical size of the plane that is reconstructed remains the same when different output pixel spacings are used. This means that reconstructions with large output spacings will only have a small number of pixels, and reconstructions with small output spacings will have a large number of pixels. If the linear size (in pixels) of the total reconstruction plane is smaller than npix_out, the entire reconstruction plane will be returned. However, if the linear size of total reconstruction plane is larger than npix_out, only the center region of the reconstruction plane with linear size npix_out is returned.

In the current version of the code, the amount of memory needed to perform a reconstruction scales with mag2. Presumably this limitation can be overcome by implementing the steps described in the Convolution section of the Appendix of Jericho and Kreuzer 2010.