Developer’s Guide

Installing HoloPy for Developers

If you are going to hack on holopy, you probably only want to compile the scattering extensions.

For Mac and Linux:

Download or clone the latest version of HoloPy from Git Hub at

Let’s say you downloaded or cloned HoloPy to /home/me/holopy. Then open a terminal, cd to /home/me/holopy and run:

python develop

This puts the extensions inside the source tree, so that you can work directly from /home/me/holopy and have the changes reflected in the version of HoloPy that you import into python.

Note for Mac users: gfortran may put its library in a place python can’t find it. If you get errors including something like can't find /usr/local/libgfortran.3.dynlib you can symlink them in from your install. You can do this by running:

sudo ln -s /usr/local/gfortran/lib/libgfortran.3.dynlib /usr/local/lib
sudo ln -s /usr/local/gfortran/lib/libquadmath.3.dynlib /usr/local/lib

For Windows: Installation on Windows is still a work in progress, but we have been able to get HoloPy working on Windows 10 with an AMD64 architecture (64-bit) processor.

  1. Install Anaconda with Python 3.6 and make sure it is working.

  2. Install the C compiler. It’s included in Visual Studio 2015 Community. Make sure it is working with a C helloworld.

  3. From now on, make sure any command prompt window invokes the right environment conditions for compiling with VC. To do this, make sure C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat is added to the system path variable. This batch detects your architecture, then runs another batch that sets the path include the directory with the correct version of the VC compiler.

  4. Install cython and made sure it works.

  5. Install Intel’s Fortran compiler. A good place to start is the trial version of Parallel Studio XE. Make sure it is working with a Fortran helloworld.

  6. Install mingw32-make, which does not come with Anaconda by default.

  7. Download or clone the master branch of HoloPy from

  8. Open the command prompt included in Intel’s Parallel Studio. Run holopy/ It is necessay to use Intel’s Parallel Studio command prompt to avoid compiling errors.

  9. Install the following dependencies that don’t come with Anaconda:

    conda install xarray dask netCDF4 bottleneck
    conda install -c astropy emcee=2.2.1
  10. Open an iPython console where holopy is installed and try import holopy.

If the above procedure doesn’t work, or you find something else that does, please let us know so that we can improve these instructions.

How HoloPy Stores Data

Images in HoloPy are stored in the format of xarray DataArrays. Spatial information is tracked in the DataArray’s dims and coords fields according to the HoloPy Coordinate System. Additional dimensions are sometimes specified to account for different z-slices, times, or field components, for example. Optical parameters like refractive index and illumination wavelength are stored in the DataArray’s attrs field.

The detector_grid() function simply creates a 2D image composed entirely of zeros. In contrast, the detector_points() function creates a DataArray with a single dimension named ‘point’. Spatial coordinates (in either Cartesian or spherical form) track this dimension, so that each data value in the array has its own set of coordinates unrelated to its neighbours. This type of one-dimensional organization is sometimes used for 2D images as well. Inference and fitting methods typically use only a subset of points in an image (see random_subset), and so it makes sense for them to keep track of lists of location coordinates instead of a grid. Furthermore, HoloPy’s scattering functions accept coordinates in the form of a 3xN array of coordinates. In both of these cases, the 2D image is flattened into a 1D DataArray like that created by detector_points(). In this case the single dimension is ‘flat’ instead of ‘point’. HoloPy treats arrays with these two named dimensions identically, except that the ‘flat’ dimension can be unstacked to restore a 2D image or 3D volume.

HoloPy’s use of DataArrays sometimes assigns smaller DataArrays in attrs, which can lead to problems when saving data to a file. When saving a DataArray to file, HoloPy converts any DataArrays in attrs to numpy arrays, and keeps track of their dimension names separately. HoloPy’s save_image() writes a yaml dump of attrs (along with spacing information) to the imagedescription field of .tif file metadata.

infer_tutorial returns a lot of information, which is stored in the form of a SamplingResult object. This object stores the model and EmceeStrategy that were used in the inference calculation as attributes. An additional attribute named dataset is an xarray Dataset that contains both the data used in the inference calculation, as well as the raw output. The parameter values at each step of the sampling chain and the calculated log-probabilities at each step are stored here under the samples and lnprobs namespaces.

Adding a new scattering theory

Adding a new scattering theory is relatively straightforward. You just need to define a new scattering theory class and implement one or two methods to compute the raw scattering values:

class YourTheory(ScatteringTheory):
  def can_handle(self, scatterer):
    # Your code here

  def raw_fields(self, positions, scatterer, medium_wavevec, medium_index, illum_polarization):
    # Your code here

  def raw_scat_matrs(self, scatterer, pos, medium_wavevec, medium_index):
    # Your code here

  def raw_cross_sections(self, scatterer, medium_wavevec, medium_index, illum_polarization):
    # Your code here

You can get away with just defining one of either raw_scat_matrs or raw_fields if you just want holograms, fields, or intensities. If you want scattering matrices you will need to implement raw_scat_matrs, and if you want cross sections, you will need to implement raw_cross_sections. We separate out raw_fields from raw_scat_matrs to allow for faster fields calculation for specific cases, such as the Mie, MieLens, and Multisphere theories (and you might want to do so for your theory as well); the base ScatteringTheory class calculates the fields from the scattering matrices by default.

You can look at the Mie theory in HoloPy for an example of calling Fortran functions to compute scattering (C functions will look similar from the python side) or DDA for an an example of calling out to an external command line tool by generating files and reading output files.

If you want to fit parameters in your scattering theory, you also need to define a class attribute parameter_names that contains the fittable attributes of the scattering theory. Once you do this, fitting should work natively with your new scattering theory: you should be able to specify the parameters as a prior.Prior object and holopy’s inference Model will auto-detect them as fittable parameters. For an example of this, see the Lens, MieLens, or AberratedMieLens classes.

Adding a new inference model

To perform inference, you need a noise model. You can make a new noise model by inheriting from NoiseModel. This class has all the machinery to compute likelihoods of observing data given some set of parameters and assuming Gaussian noise.

To implement a new model, you just need to implement one function: forward. This function receives a dictionary of parameter values and a data shape schema (defined by detector_grid(), for example) and needs to return simulated data of shape specified. See the _forward function in AlphaModel for an example of how to do this.

If you want to use some other noise model, you may need to override _lnlike and define the probablity given your uncertainty. You can reference _lnlike in NoiseModel.

Running Tests

HoloPy comes with a suite of tests that ensure everything has been built correctly and that it’s able to perform all of the calculations it is designed to do. To run these tests, navigate to the root of the package (e.g. /home/me/holopy) and run:
