HoloPy Release Notes

Holopy 3.5


If you encounter errors loading prevoiusly saved HoloPy objects, try loading them with HoloPy 3.4 and saving a new version. See deprecation notes below.

New Features

  • New AberratedMieLens allows for calculating holograms of spheres as imaged through a lens with spherical aberrations.


  • Calling a numpy ufunc on a Prior object with name kwarg gives the resulting TransformedPrior object that name, e.g. clip_x = np.min(x, name=’clipped’).
  • Cleaned up model parameter names created from TransformedPrior objects.
  • CmaStrategy now scales first step size based on initial population, not prior.
  • Inference models work with scattering theories that require parameters. See more in the user guide The HoloPy Scatterer.
  • Interpolation in background images is now robust to adjacent dead pixels.
  • Restored ability to call scattering functions on parameterized scatterers.


  • Updated inference tutorial


  • NmpfitStrategy now correctly accounts for non-uniform priors when optimizing.
  • Functional fitting interface no longer lets alpha go to zero.
  • Now able to save Model objects whose scatterer attribute contains xarrays.

Compatibility Notes

  • HoloPy now assumes dictionaries are ordered, so it requires python>=3.7.

Developer Notes

  • The ScatteringTheory now performs scattering calculations only, as its single responsibility. This should make it easier to implement new scattering theories. Code that was previously in ScatteringTheory that calculated deterimed at which points the scattering matrices or scattered fields needed to be calculated is now in holopy.scattering.imageformation.
  • The parameter parsing previously done by the Model class has now been broken out to a new hp.core.mapping module so it can be accessed by non-Model objects.
  • prior.py has been moved from to hp.core module from hp.inference but is still accessible in the hp.inference namespace.


  • PerfectLensModel is now deprecated; lens models are now directly fittable with either AlphaModel or ExactModel. To do so, pass in a holopy.prior.Prior object as the lens_angle.
  • Inference-related deprecations started in 3.4 are now complete. This means that some old holopy inference objects are no longer loadable. If you still need to access these objects, holopy version 3.4 will let you load old inference objects and save them in the new format that is compatible with this (and future) versions of holopy.

Holopy 3.4

New Features

  • New Lens scattering theory to model the effect of an objective lens can be applied to any other scattering theory.
  • New TransformedPrior that applies a function to one or multiple component Prior objects and maintains ties in a Model.


  • DDA scattering theories no longer default to printing intermediate C output.
  • It is now possible to save all slices of a reconstruction stack as images.
  • Rearrangement of some Scatterer properties and methods so they are now accessible by a broader group of classes.
  • PerfectLensModel now accepts hologram scaling factor alpha as a parameter for inference.
  • It is now possible to pass an inference strategy to the high-level fit() and sample() functions, either by name or as a Strategy object.
  • High level inference functions fit() and sample() are now accessible in the root HoloPy namespace as hp.fit() and hp.sample().
  • Scatterer.parameters() now matches the arguments to create the scatterer instead of deconstructing composite objects.
  • New prior.renamed() method to create an identical prior with a new name.
  • New way to easily construct scatterers from model parameters with model.scatterer_from_parameters().
  • New model.initial_guess attribute which can be used to evaluate initial guess by psasing into model.scatterer_from_parameters() or model.forward() methods.
  • Model parameters now use the names of their prior objects if present.
  • Standardized parameter naming across composite objects (eg. list, dict).
  • Any model parameters can now be tied, not just specific combinations within Scatterers objects.
  • Expanded math operations of Prior objects, including numpy ufuncs.
  • Math operations on Prior objects now use TransformedPrior to maintain ties when used in a Model.



  • The model.fit() and model.sample() methods have been deprecated in favour of the high-level hp.fit() and hp.sample functions().
  • Adjustments to saving of Model objects (and Results objects containing them). Backwards compatibility is supported for now, but be sure to save new copies!
  • Scatterer.guess no longer exists. Instead, you must define a model and use: model.scatterer_from_parameters(model.initial_guess).
  • Scatterer.from_parameters() is no longer guaranteed to return a definite object.
  • Composite scatterers no longer keep track of tied parameters.
  • Scattering interface functions such as calc_holo() now require a definite scatterer without priors.


  • Fortran output no longer occasionaly leaks through the output supression context manager used by multiple scattering theories.
  • Restored ability to visualize slices through a scatterer object
  • Now possible to fit only some elements of a list, eg. Scatterer center
  • Models can now include xarray parameters and still support saving/loading.
  • The MieLens scattering theory now works for both large and small spheres.
  • The Lens theory works for arbitrary linear polarization of the incoming light. This bug was not present on any releases, only on the development branch.

Compatibility Notes

  • Holopy’s hard dependencies are further streamlined, and there is improved handling of missing optional dependencies.

Developer Notes

  • Documentation now automatically runs sphinx apidoc when building docs.
  • New Scatterer attribute _parameters provides a view into the scatterer and supports editing.
  • ComplexPrior now inherits from TransformedPrior, but Model maps don’t keep track of this, e.g. in model.scatterer.

Holopy 3.3

New Features

  • Inference in holopy has been overhauled; take a look at the updated docs to check it out! Briefly, the inference and fitting modules have been combined into a unified, object-oriented interface, with several convenience functions available to the user both for the inference strategies and the inference results. One noticeable change with this is that the least-squares based fitting algorithms such as Nmpfit now work correctly with priors, including with non-uniform priors. There is also a new, user-friendly functionality for inference in holopy. Moreover, the inference pipelines can work with arbitrary user-defined functions instead of just holograms.
  • There is a new scattering theory, holopy.scattering.theory.MieLens, which describes the effect of the objective lens on recorded holograms of spherical particles. This new theory is especially useful if you want to analyze particles below the microscope focus.
  • There are two new inference strategies: a global optimizer CMA-ES strategy, under holopy.inference.cmaes.CmaStrategy, and a least-squares strategy which uses scipy.optimize.leastsq instead of the Nmpfit code.


  • The keyword argument normals is deprecated in detector_points, detector_grid, and related functions, as the old implementation was incorrect. This deprecation is effective immediately; calling code with the normals keyword will raise a ValueError.
  • The old fitting interface, in holopy.fitting, is in the process of being deprecated (see “New Features” above). Calling the old fitting interface will raise a UserWarning but will otherwise work until the next holopy release.


In addition to many minor bugfixes, the following user-facing bugs have been fixed:

  • load_average now works with a cropped reference image and uses less memory on large image stacks.
  • Issues with loss of fidelity on saving and loading objects have been fixed.
  • A bug where hp.propagate failed when gradient_filter=True has been fixed.
  • Tied parameters in inference calculations works correctly on edge cases.
  • Inference should work with more generic scatterers.
  • The Fortran code should be easier to build and install on Windows machines. This is partially done via a post-install script that checks that files are written to the correct location (which corrects some compiler differences between Windows and Linux). We still recommend installing Holopy with conda.


  • User-facing docstrings have been improved throughout holopy.
  • schwimmbad now handles parallel computations with Python’s multiprocessing or mpi.
  • More types of objects can be visualized with hp.show.
  • DDA default behaviour now has use_indicators=True since it is faster and better tested
  • The scaling of initial distributions both for Markov-Chain Monte Carlo and for CMA inference strategies can now be specified.

Compatibility Notes

  • We are curently phasing out support for pre-3.6 Python versions (due to ordered vs unordered dicts).

Developer Notes

  • Test coverage has dramatically increased in holopy.
  • Tests no longer output extraneous information on running.
  • The ScatteringTheory class has been refactored to allow for faster, more flexible extension.

Miscellaneous Changes

  • Some previously required dependencies are now optional.