Loading Data

HoloPy can work with any image data, but our tutorials will focus on holograms.

Loading and viewing a hologram

We include a couple of example holograms with HoloPy. Lets start by loading and viewing one of them

import holopy as hp
from holopy.core.io import get_example_data_path
imagepath = get_example_data_path('image01.jpg')
raw_holo = hp.load_image(imagepath, spacing = 0.0851)

(Source code)

The first few lines just specify where to look for an image. The most important line actually loads the image so that you can work with it:

raw_holo = hp.load_image(imagepath, spacing = 0.0851)

HoloPy can import any image format that can be handled by Pillow.

The spacing argument tells holopy about the scale of your image. Here, we had previously measured that each pixel is a square with side length 0.0851 micrometers. In general, you should specify spacing as the distance between adjacent pixel centres. You can load an image without a spacing value if you just want to look at it, but holopy calculations will give incorrect results.

The final line displays the loaded image on your screen with the built-in HoloPy show() function. If you don’t see anything, you may need to set your matplotlib backend. Refer to Using HoloPy for instructions.

Correcting Noisy Images

The raw hologram has some non-uniform illumination and an artifact in the upper-right corner. These can be removed if you take a background image with the same optical setup but without the object of interest. Dividing the raw hologram by the background using bg_correct() improves the image a lot.

from holopy.core.process import bg_correct
bgpath = get_example_data_path('bg01.jpg')
bg = hp.load_image(bgpath, spacing = 0.0851)
holo = bg_correct(raw_holo, bg)

(Source code)

Often, it is beneficial to record multiple background images. In this case, we want an average image to pass into bg_correct() as our background.

bgpath = get_example_data_path(['bg01.jpg', 'bg02.jpg', 'bg03.jpg'])
bg = hp.core.io.load_average(bgpath, refimg = raw_holo)
holo = bg_correct(raw_holo, bg)

Here, we have used load_average() to construct an average of the three background images specified in bgpath. The refimg argument allows us to specify a reference image that is used to provide spacing and other metadata to the new averaged image.

If you are worried about stray light in your optical train, you should also capture a dark-field image of your sample, recorded with no laser illumination. A dark-field image is specified as an optional third argument to bg_correct().

dfpath = get_example_data_path('df01.jpg')
df = hp.load_image(dfpath, spacing = 0.0851)
holo = bg_correct(raw_holo, bg, df)

Holopy includes some other convenient tools for manipulating image data. See the HoloPy Tools page for details.

Telling HoloPy about your Experimental Setup

Recorded holograms are a product of the specific experimental setup that produced them. The image only makes sense when considered with the experimental conditions in mind. When you load an image, you have the option to specify some of this information in the form of metadata that is associated with the image. In fact, we already saw an example of this when we specified image spacing earlier. The sample in our image was immersed in water (refractive index 1.33). Illumination was by a red laser with wavelength 660 nm and polarization in the x-direction. We can tell HoloPy all of this information when loading the image:

raw_holo = hp.load_image(imagepath, spacing=0.0851, medium_index=1.33, illum_wavelen=0.660, illum_polarization=(1,0))

You can then view these metadata values as attributes of raw_holo, as in raw_holo.medium_index. However, you must use a special function update_metadata() to edit them. If we forgot to specify metadata when loading the image, we can use update_metadata() to add it later:

holo = hp.core.update_metadata(holo, medium_index=1.33, illum_wavelen=0.660, illum_polarization=(1,0))


Spacing and wavelength must be given in the same units - micrometers in the example above. Holopy has no built-in length scale and requires only that you be consistent. For example, we could have specified both parameters in terms of nanometers or meters instead.

HoloPy images are stored as xarray DataArray objects. xarray is a powerful tool that makes it easy to keep track of metadata and extra image dimensions, distinguishing between a time slice and a volume slice, for example. While you do not need any knowledge of xarray to use HoloPy, some familiarity will make certain tasks easier. This is especially true if you want to directly manipulate data before or after applying HoloPy’s built-in functions.

Saving and Reloading Holograms

Once you have background-divided a hologram and associated it with metadata, you might want to save it so that you can skip those steps next time you are working with the same image:

hp.save('outfilename', holo)

saves your processed image to a compact HDF5 file. In fact, you can use save() on any holopy object. To reload your same hologram with metadata you would write:

holo = hp.load('outfilename')

If you would like to save your hologram to an image format for easy visualization, use:

hp.save_image('outfilename', holo)

Additional options of save_image() allow you to control how image intensity is scaled. Although HoloPy stores metadata when writing to .tif image files, you should save holograms in HDF5 format using save() to avoid rounding.